28 September 2018 Article published in the Journal de Montréal Professor Clément Gosselin spoke with a journalist from the Journal de Montréal about the future of robotics. Here is the link to the [...]
23 March 2018 Scientific developmental program Professor Clément Gosselin is the first recipient of the new developmental program to give a boost to the coming generation of [...]
19 December 2017 Visit from Dominique Anglade, Deputy Premier of Quebec (copie 1) On December 1st, the Minister of the Economy, Science and Innovation and Deputy Premier of Quebec, Dominique Anglade, was visiting Laval [...]
29 September 2017 A grant from Quebec city to create a company in rehabilitation engineering Professor Alexandre Campeau-Lecours won a $ 25,000 grant for the creation of a business in the area of technical assistance in the [...]
18 September 2017 An international conference in Quebec City thanks to Professor Clément Gosselin Thanks to the involvement of professor and congress ambassador, Mr. Clément Gosselin, the Québec City Convention Centre will host the [...]
11 September 2017 Congratulations to Simon Perreault On September 8th, Simon Perreault's thesis defense was held under the supervision of Professor Philippe Cardou and Professor Clément [...]
22 September 2016 Congratulations to Professor Alexandre Campeau-Lecours Last May, Professor Alexandre Campeau-Lecours of the Mechanical Engineering Department won the young researchers award at [...]