The Laval University robotic Laboratory bought the commercial platform  Bioloid to develop quick robotic prototypes. This robotic platform is composed of servomotors, plastic connecting parts, a controller, sensors (sound, luminosity and angular velocity), a remote and a programming software.

    Examples of built robots

    The following playlist shows the videoclips of 11 examples of robots designed with the robotic platform Bioloid. Those models come from e-manuel de RobotisⒸ and several functions have been added to them. The 2 last videos present robots completely designed at the laboratory, which are a serial robot and a parallel one.

    Description of the videoclips of the modified robots

    1- The parking fence can be opened manually by using the buttons on the controller or automatically with the infrared sensor or the pressure sensor in the servomotor.

    2- The reclining platform can be moved around two rotation axis. It emits a sound which becomes higher and higher as an object approaches to its distance sensor.

    3- The applauding crab " applauds " as many times as the number of picked up sounds.

    4- The automatic car followa a black line when detected. Moreover, it slows when it detects an object in front.

    5- The quadruped can walk in three different walk modes and dodge obstacles thanks to a distance sensor.

    6- The biped goes in straight line and dodges obstacles with two infrared sensors. It can also make agile movements such as kicks.

    7- The sonar robot has three different modes. But its main goal is to dodge holes and big obstacles, and it can take away small objects.

    8- The dog goes in straight line, dodges obstacles, moves in every directions, revolves around itself and reacts to sound control inputs.

    9- The hexapod can be controlled by its environment or by a remote. It can move and take away objects.

    10 and 11- Concerning the humanoid, there are so much possibilities of movements it must be separated in several programs because the controller doesn't have enough memory. The first videoclip shows the three already existing modes which are : the demonsrating humanoid, the soccer player and the fighter. The second video shows the three modes developped in the laboratory which are :the athlete, the artist and the traveler. These videos demostrate the agility of the robot trough various movements.

    Description of the designed robots

    12- The serial robot is a robot which draws and writes. The name of symbols can be input in the computer for it to draw them or words can be input for it to write them. The effector can also be directly controlled with buttons on the controller.

    13- The parallel robot works the same way as the serial robot but its architecture is parallel. The difference between these to types of architecture is explain in introduction to parallel mechanisms.